Finding Freedom: The Power of Effortless Success

Effort Less: Finding the Open Door

Price Pritchett shares a story that resonates deeply with anyone who has ever felt stuck, despite their best efforts. He tells of a fly, frantically beating its wings against a window, trying to escape. The fly could see its goal—a world just beyond the glass—but it couldn’t reach it. Just ten feet away, in the opposite direction, an open door offered a clear path to freedom.

This fly’s struggle wasn’t due to a lack of effort or even poor time management. Its problem was direction. The fly’s single-minded pursuit of escape blinded it to the open door that would have led to its freedom. In its desperation, it could only see the glass barrier, not the solution just a short distance away.

The Power of Changing Course

The fly’s tragic mistake was its inability to stop, reassess, and change course. With its life hanging in the balance, the fly chose to expend every ounce of energy it had, battering itself against the glass until it succumbed to exhaustion. It didn’t need to work harder—it needed to work smarter.

This scenario is a metaphor for many of our struggles. We often find ourselves pushing harder and harder against obstacles, convinced that more effort will lead to success. But sometimes, what we really need is a change in perspective—a moment to stop, reassess, and consider alternative paths.

The Quantum Leap

Price Pritchett suggests that you, too, could be on the verge of a quantum leap. But unlike the fly, making that leap might require less effort, not more. It’s about finding the right direction and focusing on where you want to go, rather than worrying about every point along the way.

Mike Tyson famously said, “Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face.” This rings true in many aspects of life. Plans are important, but flexibility and adaptability are even more so. It’s not about abandoning your goals; it’s about being willing to take a different path to achieve them.

Less is More

Cheryl Richardson once said, “A quality life is more about what you remove than what you add.” This idea of subtraction rather than addition can be applied to our daily lives, our work, and our personal growth. It’s not always about doing more—sometimes, it’s about doing less, but doing it better.

So, what do you really want? What is the burning desire that drives you? And what’s standing between you and that life? Is there an open door just a few steps away that you’ve overlooked in your rush to succeed?

The Path to Success

Be patient, persistent, and purposeful. Remember, efforting less isn’t about shortcuts or quick fixes. It’s about finding the path that allows you to move forward without unnecessary struggle. It’s about stopping when needed, taking time to reflect, and finding the open door that leads to new opportunities.

Sometimes, the path to success is not the one that requires the most effort, but the one that requires the most thought. Slow down, look around, and if necessary, take a personal retreat to clear your mind. In the absence of the usual noise of your life, new ideas and opportunities may present themselves.

Your Open Door

So, where is your open door? What new beginning is waiting for you to step through? It might not be where you expect, but it’s there, waiting for you to find it. Effort less, think more, and be open to the possibilities that lie just ten feet away.

Take a step back, assess your situation, and don’t be afraid to change direction. The freedom and success you seek might be closer than you think—just on the other side of an open door.

- Chris Story


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